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Teamio Feature Update

Teamio Feature Update

We’ve released more product updates to Teamio!

Practice Pulse Updates: Teamio’s Patient Routing Slip for Open Dental

When a patient checks in you can see if a patient has attached Ortho insurance benefits on file in Open Dental.

How does this help?

Everyone in the office involved in the case acceptance process of ortho cases – from the front desk personnel to the clinical team – is aware this patient has ortho benefits.

So if you’re doing intra-oral scans for your new patients or recall patients to discuss Clear Aligner treatment – with a quick glance at the screen, everyone knows this patient has some ortho benefits, which may help the patient move forward with their ortho treatment.

It helps when everyone is looking at information that is real-time and in sync with all the screens.

Open Dental Routing Slip: Ortho Benefits

Customize categories for your route-slip with Auto Notes – Check-out Panel

Set up your categories and subcategories and corresponding auto notes from Practice Pulse Settings.

Now these will show up whenever a patient is being checked-out from the Practice Pulse Check-out Panel.

provider in your practice, so your team can schedule according to goals set up on Teamio!

Open Dental Routing Slip - Custom Categories
Open Dental Routing Slip - Custom Notes

Added a way for customizing Operatories on the fly including renaming of the existing operatories

Even if you don’t have the ops created on Open Dental, you can add/delete ops on the fly.

You can also rename the ops to whatever you want.

Open Dental - Teamio Customize Operatories on Practice Pulse
Open Dental Practice Pulse Custom Operatory View

Automation Workflow Updates

For Appointment Completed trigger, now you can auto assign a task to a team member who marked the appointment completed on Open Dental.

Open Dental Automation Workflow Builder with Teamio

Why was this implemented?

One of our existing client offices had a workflow where a task on Teamio is assigned automatically when an appointment is completed on Open dental with a certain CDT code.

Instead of assigning the task to the same employee each time – they wanted a way to assign the task to the person who marked the appointment completed on Open Dental.

We thought it was a great idea and would be useful to other offices, so we got to work and got it done.

Currently in Development:

Practice Pulse

  • On Checking out a patient – Being able to add a patient to a post-op call list with a single click. The doctor (or any selected team member) will get an email at a pre-selected time with all patients they’re supposed to call for post-op calls
  • User Interface Improvements for Alerting / Pinging team members while patient is in the op: For larger offices using this system, when a bunch of custom alerts are created for multiple providers in the office, the existing UI isn’t sufficient for viewing all alerts in Settings for the office.

Co-Founder and wearing multiple hats @ Practicing part time in my own practice, which I started from scratch in 2013. Love to code and build things that are useful in the real world ... because I'm a nerd at heart.