Task Search is here
Our latest update is something that was requested by one of our offices very recently.
Usually, we add it to our pipeline of things to be done, but this had to be moved to the top.
The reason why this feature got the priority is because we’ve noticed all of our offices are using Tasks most heavily.
Because the Admin level users (owners & managers) can view tasks of all the employees on the team, their screens tend to be full of tasks – resulting in lots of scrolling.
It’s natural to want to be able to search through your Task list.
So we took immediate action, and we have our initial version ready to be used.
Now you’re able to search for text contained within a Task.
Start typing for whatever you’re looking for in the Search box. It will start to display results as you’re typing.
If you see no results, it means whatever you’re looking for isn’t found in the text of any Tasks or in text contained within the comments.
The result that’s displayed will also highlight your search query.

Searching for a patient or a team member tagged in the Task
You may also have tagged a patient to a certain Task, but need a quick way to locate the Task. You can now search for that patient tagged in the Task!
You can do the same for tasks you’ve assigned to a team member. You can search by the tagged team member also!

Searching for text within Comments left on Tasks
This was an add-on that we decided to implement because team members are leaving comments on Tasks assigned to them for back-and-forth conversations.
Even though it wasn’t a requested feature, we realized it just made sense and should be useful in locating tasks when you want to search for words contained in comments.

Bringing up the Task Details panel upon clicking on the search result
If you find the task you’re looking for from your search term, simply click on the text within the search result, and it will bring up the Task Details panel.