Behind the Scenes of Teamio Monthly ROI Email Reports
I hate selling.
What I do like, though, is telling you about the results we deliver for our offices using Teamio.
At the end of every month, our offices receive Teamio ROI Reports via Email – which are part of the monthly subscription.
It gives the practice owners and managers a snapshot view of what their team is accomplishing in terms of patient follow-ups, claim follow-ups, etc. – and, of course, the RESULTS of all the follow up effort: how much production was scheduled and how much Accounts Receivables was processed!
The three things I’m going to cover in this post:
- What’s the purpose of these reports – why even provide this for the owners
- Actual screenshots of results we deliver for our Open Dental offices
- Behind the scenes of how these reports are generated and how the data for each of the following segments is generated along with our background automation:
- # of patients followed-up for Overdue Recall, Unscheduled Tx, Broken Appointments, patient balances
- # of Outstanding claims followed up
- # of patients scheduled from Teamio follow-ups for recall, unscheduled treatment, broken appointments
- # of payments received
- # of claims received
- $ Net Value of scheduled appointments from recall, unscheduled treatment, and broken appointment follow-ups
- $ Net Value of payments received from outstanding claims and patient balances

On top of all the functionality we provide with Teamio, we feel these reports that get generated help the practice owners understand what’s happening as their team is working ON GROWING their practices through consistent routines! – or WHETHER or not they’re actually doing what they’re supposed to do!
Let’s get to the details…
What’s the purpose of Teamio’s Monthly ROI reports? Why are they important?
The purpose of Teamio’s monthly ROI reports is to enable you, the practice owners and managers, to see what’s being accomplished by your team when it comes to working ON the practice.
We wanted to give the doctors a view of what their team is doing on a consistent basis to keep the schedules full and keep the A/R under control – AND give them the results in a visual format.
Benefit to doctors
Instead of keeping track of who was called and results of the follow-ups on an excel sheet – Teamio has not only automated who’s being followed up with, but also tracking which patients are actually scheduling from those follow-ups and showing you a $$ value of those scheduled appointments.

For most practices who are doing this manually, this process is tedious and at the bottom of the to-do list and never gets done – with our automated accountability in follow-ups, Teamio has made it easier to manage your team’s work in one place.

Results Delivered by Teamio – Actual Screenshots of our Monthly ROI reports
Offices that we work with are of varying sizes.
Some have multiple front office team members with defined roles.
Some are small (like mine), where one front desk team member handles it all!
Regardless of the size of the practice, we are super pumped to deliver ROI in the range of 3.5x – 53x the monthly investment.
Hers’s some screenshots of actual emails that go out to our offices at the end of each month:
Office #1 Office with one front desk where claims are outsourced to an outside agency, so they don’t use Teamio’s Claims functionality. Regardless, they’ve had amazing ROI

Results for the month
- 5 Overdue Recall patients put on the schedule from follow-ups
- 2 Patients put on the schedule who had pending treatment
- 4 Patients put back on the schedule who were followed up with due to Broken Appointments
- Total of $3,435.16 added on to schedule for the month from follow-ups
Office #2 Office with multiple front desk team members.
This office outsources all of their claims follow-up and processing to an outside agency.
Unlike office #1, this office decided to have the outside agency create their account as part of their office team inside Teamio console.
This way the doctor and or the manager can see whether claims are being followed up on, the claims received, and the exact $ amount attached to each claim.
It’s a win win for the agency as well the practice.
With Teamio’s claim follow-up functionality, it was easier for the agency to consistently keep up with each claim and it’s corresponding notes.
Instead of looking at excel reports from the agency, the owner of the practice is able to quickly view a snapshot of all the work completed by an agency just from a simple dashboard!

Results for office #2

- 9 Overdue Recall patients put on the schedule from follow-ups
- Total of $1,492 added on to schedule for the month from follow-ups
- Received 105 Outstanding Claims through Follow-ups on Teamio – with total insurance payments in amount of $25,225.85
Office #3 Office with multiple front desk team members, who happens to have a dedicated person working part-time for following up with Overdue Recall patients
Because the office has a dedicated person to do ONE thing, it shows in the high number of overdue recall follow-ups created in the picture below:

Results for office #3
- 63 Overdue Recall patients put on the schedule from follow-ups
- 3 Patients put back on the schedule who were followed up with due to Broken Appointments
- Total of $13,216 added on to schedule for the month from follow-ups on Teamio
- Received 4 Outstanding Claims through Follow-ups on Teamio – with total insurance payments in amount of $450.30
What’s going on behind the scenes and how’s the data generated?
On the last day of the month, all the data gets generated automatically for each of the offices after they’ve closed for the day.
Let’s go into the details of the ROI Report:

Number of Patients followed-up for Overdue Recall, Unscheduled Treatment, Patient Balances and Broken Appointment
These are the number of patients that are followed up on Teamio.
If a patient is followed up twice in the month, it’s still counted as ONE since we want to show the actual # of unique patients followed up with.
This is regardless of which team member in your practice actually followed up with the patient.
If you need to see WHO followed up with a patient, you can do so via Team Insights reports in the console.
Number of Outstanding Claims Followed-up with
This is a count of unique # of claims that are followed-up with through the console.
Just like patient follow-ups, if a single claim is followed up with twice in one month, it’s still only counted once.

Number of patients scheduled for Overdue Recall, Unscheduled Treatment, Broken Appointments
This number is the # of unique patients that scheduled their appointments who had been followed up with through Teamio.
The appointments have to actually exist on Open Dental for Teamio to register it as a scheduled appointment.
Because of Teamio’s tight integration with Open Dental, there is a “real-time” sync between EVERY action that occurs in your practice and Teamio’s data.
What does this mean?
When your team member schedules an appointment, for instance, it will be reflected on Teamio’s platform immediately.
Why do I have real-time in “quotes” – it’s because as we process data across from all offices in real time, we come as close to real time, but it can sometimes take up to 30 seconds or so to reflect the change on Teamio’s console.
Number of Payments Received
This number reflects the # of patients for whom payments have been entered to their account after being followed up with for balance through Teamio.
Number of Outstanding Claims Received
These are the # of claims which have been marked as received in Open Dental after at least one follow-up on those claims has occurred on Teamio.
Example 1
Let’s assume your team member has been following up with patient John Stamos for overdue recall, and John has already been followed-up with twice.
The last attempt was last week, which was during the previous month.
Now two weeks into the new month, John calls to schedule an appointment.
As soon as your team member schedules John’s appointment on Open Dental, Teamio will go ahead and purge John’s follow-ups – meaning, he won’t show up on the Overdue recall list to be called.
And Teamio will capture at the same time, the net production $ value of that appointment and save it in our database.

Example 2
For instance, let’s say you’ve been following up with a patient for unscheduled treatment. Your maximum # of attempts is set to 4 in your Settings.
You’ve followed up with the patient three times already, and the 4th attempt is not due for another month.
But patient calls back in the month of November to schedule their appointment – then Teamio marks it as appointment scheduled and counted in the month of November.
It’s counted at the time when your team member creates the appointment on Open Dental.
The patient appointment could be in December, but since appointment was CREATED in November, that’s the month it’s counted in.
The net production value of that appointment is the sum of the adjusted fee (if patient has insurance) of all procedures attached to that appointment.
This includes your write-offs, so if the patient has insurance, it will take into account the net-adjusted fees for all the procedures attached to that appointment.
If the patient does not have insurance attached to that appointment, it will count the UCR (office) fees for all procedures attached to that appointment.
This way, you will see the exact dollar amount in production that is put back on the schedule from reactivating recall patients or bringing patients back who have unscheduled treatment, or have broken an appointment.
How do I see this on Teamio console besides my monthly ROI report that I receive via Email?
From the Teamio console, click on Team Insights, when you click the button next to “Total scheduled”, this is the pop-up you see which reflects the production values of the appointments along with the patient names.

Continuing to the details…

$ Production Appointment Value, $ Claim Recovered Value, and $ Patient Balance received
These numbers reflect the total sum of the net scheduled production for the month from follow-ups that have occurred on Teamio for Overdue Recall, Unscheduled treatment, broken appointment.
The Paid balance is the total sum of money paid for the month for patients who were being followed up on Teamio for patient balances.
The outstanding claims $ value is the sum of total money paid by the insurance for the month for claims that were being up followed-up on.
Scheduled Patients & Processed Claims from Teamio Follow-ups
To give the office owners and managers more detail, we don’t just give you the sum $ values of scheduled production and claims paid – but these ROI reports also breakdown exactly WHO was scheduled from which type of follow up.
The reports also include the list of patient names for whom the claims were paid that were being followed up with, along with the $ amount paid by the insurance.

Closing remarks..
KPIs are great, but with Teamio, we want to bring the focus back on the TEAM and on the “micro-numbers” that actually DRIVE the big numbers for an office.
These micro-numbers are what holds your team accountable.
For instance, it’s great knowing that your average hygiene reappointment rate is 87%, but what do I do to IMPROVE that?
What does it mean in terms of what I SHOULD be doing for my practice to improve the big numbers.
We have metrics or KPIs for the producers of the practice – the doctors, hygienists – such as Adjusted Production, Collections, etc. – but are there metrics to calculate the value of “non-producers” or your front office team?
Without consistent routines in place, patients fall through cracks. Your accounts receivable also gets out of control.
Your open dental accounts end up with balances and become difficult to track as more and more time goes by.
We are naturally resistant to change.
We are the result of our habits.
Changing your daily pattern of behavior takes time, but with a strategic and systematic approach, it’s not difficult to form new good habits.
These good habits will yield you positive results as long as you’re consistent. And they compound over time!